Bloody Hell Chelle
Bloody Hell Chelle: Bold, Brilliant, Barrier Breaking Women, Building Empires" is a podcast dedicated to celebrating the audacious spirit of female entrepreneurs.
This is a platform where we delve into the journeys of fearless women who have dared to break barriers and build empires. Each episode is a testament to the tenacity, creativity, and brilliance of women in the business world. We bring you inspiring stories of triumph, resilience, and innovation, straight from the women who are making their mark.
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding businesswoman, or simply someone who admires the grit and determination of trailblazing women, this podcast is for you. Join us as we explore the world of female entrepreneurship, one empowering story at a time.
Bloody Hell Chelle
Beyond the Bedroom: Self-Discovery & Sexual Wellness with Dr. Fanny LeBoulanger
Get ready to awaken your senses! This week on Bloody Hell Chelle, Michelle welcomes the incredible Dr. Fanny LeBoulanger, a French physician on a mission to ignite sexual wellness and help us reclaim pleasure and aliveness in our lives. Fanny shares her own journey of self-discovery, revealing how she found her passion for empowering others to embrace joy and explore what truly lights them up. From reconnecting with our senses to navigating the challenges of personal growth, this episode is a must-listen for anyone ready to unleash their full potential for pleasure and joy!
There is nothing wrong with you. You are normal, worthy, and deserving of a vibrant and fulfilling life.
Reconnecting to pleasure and the senses is key to finding purpose and starting a business.
Hold space for others and offer support without trying to fix or give advice.
Celebrate the small things and acknowledge your efforts and achievements.
Reclaiming pleasure and aliveness requires commitment, self-study, and compassion.
Marketing should focus on building human relationships and being authentic, rather than manipulating pain points.
Sound Bites
"Thriving sex with a bonus"
"It's about the journey, not the destination"
"Life knocks one and you don't listen, life knocks two and you don't listen, and at three, life bangs the door"
1. "Pleasure is not a luxury, it's a birthright. We all deserve to experience joy and aliveness in our bodies and our lives." - Dr. Fanny LeBoulanger
2. "Reconnecting with our senses is key to unlocking pleasure. How can we bring more mindfulness and sensuality into our everyday experiences?" - Dr. Fanny LeBoulanger
3. "Personal growth can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Be kind to yourself, embrace the journey, and celebrate every step you take towards becoming your most authentic self." - Dr. Fanny LeBoulanger
00:00 Introduction and Unique Background
06:04 Inspiration and Journey into Sexual Wellness
12:45 Advice for Starting a Business and Overcoming Resistance
25:30 The Importance of Reconnecting to the Senses
30:26 Handling Triggers and Practicing Compassion
36:01 Bringing More Pleasure and Joy into Life
41:51 Free Gift and Conclusion
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Michelle Margaret Marques (00:00.506)
Welcome to the Bloody Hell Chelle podcast. And you know I'm going to say it because I say it every time I'm so excited. I have got an incredible guest with me today, Fanny, who is joining me from France. I love it. I cannot wait for this conversation. Fanny, thank you so much for joining me. Could you please introduce yourself to my incredible listeners?
Fanny (00:26.195)
Thank you so much for having me and hi everyone. I'm Dr. Fanny LeBoulanger. So I'm French as you can hear. And if you want a good laugh, it literally means the baker. I'll let you imagine how many jokes I had at school, traumatized. I am a sassy French physician and I am a sexual wellness igniter, a life -ness igniter. I'm just playing with my title because...
Michelle Margaret Marques (00:46.042)
I love that.
Fanny (00:56.179)
I love what I'm doing, talking about the beauty, the complexity, and the peaks and valleys of sexual awakening and aliveness, reclamation, and things like that, and I have no fucking idea how to call myself. So I'm a S .S .E. French physician. That's all.
Michelle Margaret Marques (01:13.786)
Gosh, I'm laughing so hard I can't even get my words out. Fanny, thank you so much for that. my, that has got to be the most interesting introduction that anyone has ever done when I've interviewed them. Thank you so much. my gosh, listeners, how about that then, huh? my goodness. I have to calm myself down. Fanny, what would you say?
Fanny (01:27.027)
I'm sorry.
Michelle Margaret Marques (01:42.106)
to anyone listening, what advice would you give them in starting a business or doing what they want in their life? What do you wish you had known back then that you know now that you can tell other people about?
Fanny (01:59.571)
There are a few things. First, before business and what you want to do with your life, what is going on and what I am trying to, even for myself, integrate within my bones because we always end up teaching what we need most and we're really, really efficient about telling people what to do. Not that in coaching, I never tell people what to do, but.
It's way easier to coach people about getting something and also knowing that you need it for yourself. Reality check here. But what I love sharing and one of the main messages that I truly stand by is that there is nothing wrong with you. And you may think you're broken, however much you may think there is something wrong, there is not. You are a hundred percent normal, worthy.
deserving, allowed, and encouraged to have a vibrant, healthy, thriving, fulfilling life and sex life that includes sex and pleasure as well. And it's not your fault. It's not your responsibility. It comes from the twisted games of society around us, but what is your responsibility is showing up and doing the work. And...
that goes with business and finding what you want to do with your life, then what you can do to start this is to reconnect to your pleasure and your sense of aliveness. Because so many of us are stuck when we want to find our purpose, when we want to start something. We're stuck into this emotional numbness, emotional, yeah, emotional numbness, almost living in a...
50 shades, 50 shoe shades of gray, but not the sexy ones. Like everything being blur and weird and how this is like the aliveness killer in a sense. And the best way to step out of that is to reclaim pleasure and reclaim your senses, reactivate your senses. So.
Fanny (04:19.699)
I'm a totally biased opinion because that's what I do for my job and I love my job. It's helping people reconnect to this enliveness through pleasure so that you can get your thriving, fulfilling life with thriving sex as a bonus.
Michelle Margaret Marques (04:34.778)
I like that. Thriving six with a bonus listeners. Wouldn't we all like that? Of course. Why not? Why not? Says the single woman.
Fanny (04:46.163)
Only if you want it. Some people actually give zero fuck and they're 100 % happy with that.
Michelle Margaret Marques (04:51.642)
Yeah, yeah, of course. And that's really truly what life comes down to, isn't it Fanny? The amount of pleasure you have in different things, the amount of pleasure that you derive from. I mean, one of my absolute total pleasures in life is to actually just sit outside and watch the hummingbirds. I really truly, life, the world can stop when a hummingbird.
comes along right for me personally and I get immense pleasure from that and then other people say are you crazy it's just a bird
Fanny (05:20.083)
Fanny (05:28.371)
Yeah, but that's about being present and being mindful. And when you enjoy that, there's a good chance you are connected to your senses. You're enjoying the sight, maybe the smell around you in nature and what you hear and things like that. You're connecting to your five senses and it's 100 % expected. And that should be the norm, getting this senses connection so that you can enjoy the mindfulness. And when you do that,
you allow yourself to experience the density and the richness of life.
Michelle Margaret Marques (06:03.642)
I love that. And it's definitely for me, that is you're so right. I mean, to just watch the hummingbird, its wings flutter and the way it goes, just fascinates me. Absolutely. So anyway, enough about the hummingbirds and my obsession. Fanny, let me ask you this question. What actually inspired you to get into this, the industry that you're in, the work?
you do? What was it that turned you onto this for want of a better pun?
Fanny (06:39.923)
I could tell you I have a very unique and specific story that is so special. No, I have the basic story of life knocks one and you don't listen. Life knocks two and you don't listen. And at three, life bangs the door. So I was a medical student and during a training session in the ER, I had an epilepsy seizure at age 26.
And because it was in the ER and we had 24 hour shifts and things like that, you were allowed in your life to have one epilepsy seizure without it meaning anything. So it was like, okay, I'm not done for 24 hours shift, which I think no human is supposed to have 24 hours shifts by the way. But some people tolerate night shifts really well and I didn't, but.
What happened is that six months later, so on my next training session, where there were no night shifts and things like that, I had another seizure. So when you have two, that's called epilepsy and you're supposed to start treatment. And that actually started a big self -inquiry time because at the time, what had me going from my home at school and even since childhood,
was so painful what I realized it is how I was so happy of my brain controlling my body. Like I was proud of thinking you are such, you are only a tool in service of my beautiful goals and ideas and things I want to accomplish in my life until my body switched my brain off literally with epilepsy. So...
I had to do some self inquiry. I started, I did tons of self -developments, amazing things. And a few things happened at the same time because I am practicing gynecology on a daily basis. Like I have the, I don't have the title, I am a GP, but I can do the gyno work, not the birth, but like the pap smears, IUDs and birth control and things like that. So I do that daily and.
Fanny (09:06.099)
A few things happened at the same time. First, I had so many patients that I had to send to a sexologist because of issues I had no answer to. Like we did the exams and everything was normal, or they had libido challenges I had no answer to. They've tried everything and nothing worked. So I was like, okay, you need to see a sexologist and you need to see a sexologist.
and you need to see a sexologist. And I'm like, there's three patients out of four that I have to send to a sexologist, so there's something wrong in here. Like that's not how it's supposed to be. Like these people have six to eight months of waiting time, and that's not how it's supposed to work. At the same time, I remember this woman being 34 and asking me in a whispering, ashamed voice,
Doctor, I think I'm not normal, like I'm 34 and I don't know what an orgasm is. Broke my heart. And at the same time as well, what happened is that I was actually getting sick of getting my orgasms from my partner. Like I was lucky enough to have orgasms and at the same time, I was like, no, like this is not, how come he who doesn't have a human female body, female at both body would know?
Michelle Margaret Marques (10:09.114)
Fanny (10:31.475)
What would work for me? There's something wrong. So I started to do the digging for me first. I met the work of my amazing teacher, her name is Lila Martin. Her work is amazing. And so I studied under her, added my own yoga teacher and yoga teacher learnings and self -development learnings and things like that to optimize all of this in the.
what I call a lifeness reclaiming coaching method, bringing the wisdom that I gained and bringing also my zero bullshit tolerance because as a real doctor, I have a really, really strong way of know like this is bullshit and come back to earth because that's the beauty and the mess in the coaching industry as well is that you can find anybody who do.
Some people do amazing work and some people don't. And that's what I like and what I think is one of my strengths, bringing the best of both worlds. Yeah, I am totally proud. I don't have the English word. Like, I am shining myself because why not?
Michelle Margaret Marques (11:50.81)
Of course, why not? Why should you not shine yourself? I love that. And I personally love the way you express yourself as well. I mean, this is called the bloody hell shell podcast, right? So you and I are very similar when it comes to the no bullshit. For sure. my gosh.
Fanny (12:10.851)
Michelle Margaret Marques (12:15.45)
you make me giggle so much. I mean, and I don't mean at you. I just mean this. I'm loving this conversation. my goodness. So let me ask you this question. When you say that you went through those things, and of course, that's it's not a good thing to go through that, but it's a good thing that it brought you to that introspection and, you know, and changing things in your life. What would you say to anybody else who
is at that place where some introspection and some changes would be good but there's resistance. What advice would you give them?
Fanny (12:56.019)
I see you, it sucks. I think the best way, the best thing that we need to tell people when they are having tough challenges is really to connect to this. I see you, it sucks, and I'm there with you. Because we have this tendency as humans, because we don't like seeing people we love suffer, we tend to say, this is going to be better.
you're gonna make something amazing out of this, which is true, but when you're in it, it makes you, or at least for me, like of course I'm gonna make this better, but at the moment I have the treatment and the treatment is mine, and like it's mine for the rest of my life, so don't you dare tell me any type of bullshit, general truth that is not really helpful. And I think we need, and...
If this is as well one of the best things we can do when we want to show up as friends, when we want to show up as people who support each other, who champion each other, is to also hold space and try to be comfortable with holding space for people's emotion. Like, I'm here, do you need anything? And how can I support you? Like, what do you want? Do you want space? Do you want to talk?
Or do you want me to help you distract you? Just offering these three. Or you can also add like, do you want me to share my experience with you? But it's really, I think the best thing that we can do first is acknowledging like, what you're going through sucks. I see you, I'm there with you. And if you want, only if you want, I can share X, Y, or Z, or I can distract you. But.
really the thing that I'm really like of what I want to put an emphasis on is this thing of not and we do that because we're human and that's what human do really them yes don't bring any type of general general truth that you know it comes from the best intentions and you also know that it falls flat and also give ourselves compassion because we all do that myself included.
Fanny (15:20.211)
I have the right, I have the best place in front of the mic saying, do this, do that, do this, do that, and don't do that. Yeah, I am a human, I am a human and I have a daily life and friends too. So I fall flat on my face as well.
Michelle Margaret Marques (15:33.786)
I think we all do, right? There's not one single one of us, I mean, me included with the mic in front of my face that can honestly say, my life is completely all together. My poop doesn't stink. Everything is perfect. I never make a mistake. I never get it wrong. No. We all do. It's a human experience, every single one of us.
Fanny (15:58.771)
We all do.
Michelle Margaret Marques (16:03.386)
has those moments where we don't always behave in our highest level, right? There's times when we just have low moments. And when we're tired and stressed, that is the time when old habits come back up, behavioral patterns. You cannot possibly always have everything together.
Fanny (16:11.123)
Michelle Margaret Marques (16:31.098)
at times when it's stressful, at times when it's difficult, right?
Fanny (16:35.603)
even go further than that, there is no time in my, again, my totally biased and personal opinion, there is no time where we have our shit together. Because when you have your shit together, there's something that is waiting for you right at the corner to actually even, maybe it's surrender deeper, or it's just checking that you're 100 % sure that you have your shit together. It's really an -
On a philosophical level, wouldn't it be boring if we had our shit together? Like, because it feels like there is this thing to attend, this, sorry, this goal to achieve. And when you have that, you're like, okay, so now what? And there is no way we can achieve that goal. And there goes this cliche that we all know and love, or all know and hate about how it's about the journey, not the destination. I hate that for us.
That's saying and I know it and I hate it but it's really about and that's what I love doing in my my job as well when I when I help people and when we reclaim that aliveness and that sensuality and that sexual energy awakening we reclaim our capacity to feel at all and to actually find the enjoyment of the of feeling the perfect bliss.
and also being able to hold the messy shit and even get some kind of enjoyment in it, like eating shame for breakfast.
Michelle Margaret Marques (18:14.234)
I like that. It's so true though and I teach this with my clients. I'm sure you teach similar things where I know for sure that every single time when you see like if we think we've got our shit together every single time I'm going to the next level I know I'm transitioning to the next level I see it with my clients constantly all the time. A myriad of challenges will suddenly appear.
And as you say, it's I truly believe that that is, are you serious? Is this the direction that you're going in? Come on, show me what you've got. And I really truly, I expect it. I shouldn't say that. I don't expect it. Well, I do, because I know it's going to happen, because we don't move through the next levels of our lives without going through challenges, because otherwise we wouldn't be strong enough to go to the next level, right?
Fanny (19:13.555)
Michelle Margaret Marques (19:15.738)
Yeah. So, you know, I did one of the things that I really am vocal about, especially when it comes to these type of controversial subjects is coaches on this planet. Yes. And coaches, I am calling you out is, you know, the type of people who do pretend that everything in their world is perfect. Right. And for me, it's.
It's a very dangerous place to play, right? Especially as a coach, because I see my role as being a role where I show my vulnerability. I show the things that I've gone through, how I've come through it, the mistakes, the pitfalls that I fell into and share that with other people and share how I managed to get beyond that, right? I see that as being my duty. So I personally love to share.
all the messy. How about you Fanny, what's your approach to that?
Fanny (20:18.771)
I'd love to offer a reframe of what you shared about how there is this marketing of pretending that you have your shit together and even worse in my opinion is pretending that you're going that clients are going to have a miracle solution and finally get healed. And it's, I don't know how you feel about it, but it's so easy to fall right back in marketing traps and marketing trainings.
Michelle Margaret Marques (20:22.81)
Fanny (20:47.731)
and things that you are supposed to do to convert and take and have leads and turn them into prospects and put them through a funnel so that you can convert. And like, this is so dehumanizing that makes my face go just as I'm telling it.
Michelle Margaret Marques (21:00.634)
Me too, me too. Use their pain points.
Fanny (21:07.859)
Mmm, ouch. Like, figure out their terrors at night with your avatar or whatever. I'm like, yuck. Yeah.
Michelle Margaret Marques (21:14.618)
Yeah, what keeps them awake at night. And then twist the knife on that a little bit more.
Fanny (21:20.243)
But it's really, so there is really that, the thing about, and it's again, it's a very human thing to do. We've been conditioned for that. And how at the same time choosing to do things differently actually acknowledges that it might need more time because we're not surrendering to what is easy and what will work.
It also requires a ton of self -studying and owning your responsibility and looking at your shit and processing your shit and coming back because it's your shit, you've been with it and it's gonna come back. So all of that is really, is very, very important in my opinion. And it's so interesting. And I truly believe this is the next step of marketing and or.
Yeah, like it's about creating human relationships because with, for example, the AI that is coming, like we are witnessing such a polishing way of things, how when you open social media, everybody is doing the same weird dancing and things like that. And how is, I really feel and think this is the new way.
of marketing and connecting with people and sharing your work. Especially when you talk about business, it's about creating relationships from human to human and allowing yourself to be seen. Again, I'm in front of the mic and I'm like, you should allow yourself to be seen. Says the girl on Instagram who's like posted three reels and froze for one week because my God, people are going to see my face on the internet.
Michelle Margaret Marques (23:18.074)
Yeah, I know. But you know what, let me, and I love that reframe. I totally agree. But wasn't business always supposed to be about relationships with people?
Fanny (23:30.899)
I agree in the beginning. It's just that at some point it has been twisted because usually white men in boardrooms created rules for marketing to sell midwife, midlife white American woman in suburbia trying to have her buy more detergent or soap or car or anything. So hell yeah, usually it should be an
I think especially in the coaching industry, it's about building relationships and also acknowledging that this human tendency of going to what's easy for us. Like we have the like the dopamine circuit. One of the things that reinforces it is literally doing the most with doing the less. Like literally having things done without any or without much effort. And yeah.
Michelle Margaret Marques (24:03.386)
Fanny (24:30.867)
Choosing to do that differently, that requires work.
Michelle Margaret Marques (24:35.962)
Yes, it most certainly does. It most certainly does. And I, for one, choose to do it differently, that's for sure. I have never liked the whole pain point type marketing and the manipulation. And it's something that actually makes me feel physically sick, to be honest with you. Yeah, yeah.
Fanny (24:57.459)
Yeah. Yeah, I agree.
Michelle Margaret Marques (25:02.938)
I just noticed we're wearing very similar colors and we did not talk about this beforehand, audience. I don't normally wear pink, but this morning when I was getting ready I chose this one in the wardrobe. So we must have had an energetic connection, Fanny, from across the planet.
Fanny (25:09.715)
I'm a pink girl, life for real.
Fanny (25:23.379)
Michelle Margaret Marques (25:30.042)
I love that. Let me ask you this question. It's a question I love to ask every single guest. What was the Bloody Hell Chelle, draw dropping moment that challenged everything that you think in life, but really ultimately has brought you to where you are now?
Fanny (25:49.939)
That's an interesting question. I'm going to take a few seconds to think about that.
Michelle Margaret Marques (25:53.018)
Fanny (25:55.923)
I think.
There is this anecdote that I remember. While I was in the ER, I was a resident there and I remember having this guy who had been drunk all night and he had a hand injury or something and I was stitching him and his hand and I was asking him like what are...
Do you have any medical history? And he was like, I have epilepsy. Okay, what's your treatment? I don't, I smoke weed. Because when I smoke weed, I don't have any seizures. And when I don't, I have seizures. I remember thinking, my God, this guy is so selfish because when he takes the car, it doesn't only put him at risk, but if he gets into someone else's coming front,
Like it's so selfish and so many things can happen. First, that was a moment of like, hey girl, you say you don't touch people as a healthcare professional, you do. Like human calling back, hello. We do our best and sometimes for some reasons, because it triggers anything in us, it triggers something in us or whatever. Like this guy really triggered me. And...
Michelle Margaret Marques (27:09.978)
Fanny (27:25.043)
when a few months later I was the one who had to start the treatment. I was the one with mood disorders. I was the one constantly tired. I was the one having nightmares. Like for real, I could tell which nightmares came from regular nightmare and which nightmare came from the treatment. Like the one from the treatment were gross like
like scary and gross. I really, yeah, I really knew which one was, were which. And so I remember this moment of, I thought I was humble and like, I thought I was humble or at least I knew that I wasn't full of myself. Now I also know that,
we put an emphasis on a society about not being full of ourselves and how that becomes actually denying our worth, denying our skills, denying our value worthiness and deservingness as humans. But I had examples with people around me who were like taking all the space and always me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me,
of people so I'm humble and this experience of okay now I am the one having to take the treatment suddenly I understood way better my patients who have hypertension and have to take the treatment for years and they have no idea especially because you don't feel hypertension or high I'm sorry high blood pressure like you don't feel it except from some situations but it's
really, I've been humbled there in a sense of I can understand what people are going through because I'm the one living it. And so it brings me so much compassion and I think a different way to hold space as well because you understand what people are going through and when you understand, then you show up differently. And I think it really...
Fanny (29:49.587)
really changed me as a healthcare practitioner.
Michelle Margaret Marques (29:56.346)
Wow, what a beautiful story. I think it's safe to say it didn't just change you as a health practitioner, right? It changed you in general, I would say, your life. Yeah. Yeah, I love that. Thank you for sharing that. What I mean, in your profession, there must be times when it is easily easy for you to be triggered, right? And.
instances where a lot of compassion is needed all the time. How do you handle that level of compassion still when something does trigger you now?
Fanny (30:38.067)
I would say that first our studies really prepare us and sometimes prepare us so much that it harms us and we think we are invincible and that we are needed and there's like the system where we're crumble if we're not there, which is not true. So maybe it's preparing us to not be triggered or it's numbing us and pushing our triggers down so that...
it comes up not as often as it comes up really rarely. That being said, I think the compassion is something that I try to build for myself. And I think the difference that I see from the beginning is I think the more you grow up,
that goes in medical studies. And I think that goes in self -evolution and self -inquiry. The more you grow up, the more you quote unquote improve, the more you understand you know so little and it's so complex and it needs so much reverence and so much care. So I think when I am triggered, I am professional so it doesn't affect me like,
I don't remember one time in McCurry or like, given that person that I was stitching, I thought that in my head. And even if it triggered a few thoughts in me, he couldn't see it on my face. So, but I think what comes after that is really this commitment of you're doing your best for real. Like you're doing your best. You're developing this.
I have this concept about the SM dungeon of my mind, how I have so many mean people in my head having opinions, having thoughts, usually mean thoughts and mean comments about what I do, what I want to do, what I consider doing, what others are doing, what I'm not doing, things like that. And really take the commitment to develop the other voice, like the voice that said, hey, you did great. Or even in...
Fanny (33:04.499)
If not great, at least you did. So, and that goes in my consultations, like celebrating, I think celebrations is really something we need more of in our lives. Celebrating that I was able to go through that consultation and offer that patient the care they needed to honor that and answer the questions.
Michelle Margaret Marques (33:18.97)
Fanny (33:32.371)
and showing up even with a neutral mind or if I didn't have a neutral mind, it didn't affect the type of care that I'm giving to my patients. So, and that is worth celebrating.
Michelle Margaret Marques (33:47.482)
Hmm. that is so nice. I love that. I love the point where you said, you know, you did your best or if it wasn't the best, at least you did. Right. I think that we we really do need a lot more of that for ourselves on a daily basis. We need so much more of that celebrating the small things, celebrating the fact that you showed up celebrating.
And the point that you make, you gave them the care that they needed. I really appreciate that comment so much. I pride myself on with my coaching clients that I love them fiercely. And that's one of the things for me, that I give that love and that care that they need because life is hard.
And it's hard to work on yourself as well, right? I mean, it is very hard to go through your behavioural patterns and your limiting beliefs and the things that you need to work through in order to get to where you want to go, isn't it?
Fanny (34:56.723)
Yeah. And at the same time, that was make it interesting because definitely I think it was simple when I was quote unquote asleep, when I was operating from my traumas, my habitual patterns and usual behaviors and thoughts. And at the same time, so definitely was simpler. And would I trade that back?
Some days, yes, definitely. When it's hard, hell yes, it was way simpler when I was asleep. And at the same time, now that I see the difference between this emotional numbness that I was in, this autopilot that I am committed to help people step out of, because that's one of my missions, when I consider how...
where I was, I'm like, I'm happy I stepped out of that. Ready.
Michelle Margaret Marques (36:00.666)
Yeah, yeah, I love that distinction that you made when you were asleep. You know, life was more simple and yeah, it is it is when you choose to take this path of self actualization, as I like to call it, it's a difficult road, but it's a very, very rewarding road. I echo the same sentiment. I love this and I advocate it.
There are days where I wish I could just crawl back in my little shell, for sure. But unfortunately, my DNA does not allow it. Fanny, we've got very little time left. I cannot believe why can't we slow down time? We're such powerful human beings and we have all this technology. We still haven't figured out how to slow down time.
Fanny (36:36.403)
Fanny (36:56.883)
Even if quantum physics say time isn't linear.
Michelle Margaret Marques (37:01.338)
Right? I'm still watching the timer go past. Before we wrap up, I would just love to ask you this question. What advice would you give to myself and every listener to bring more pleasure, to bring more joy into our lives?
Fanny (37:22.291)
I think it's reconnect to the senses. So you have it already and it's amazing. And for those of us who are stuck in autopilot and emotional numbness, it's really starting slow. Like sensual reclamation can start with a piece of chocolate. Like you can spend five minutes watching, having the chocolate melting in your, between your fingers, listening how it cracks, have your fingers roll on it and listening.
smell it for 3, 5 or even 10 breaths. So this sensual reclamation is really… when you have that, then you can also apply it everywhere else. And this sensual activation can look like using a nice shower gel that smells amazing, allowing yourself to use skin friendly oil after your shower. Or…
changing your bed sheets so that it's something that looks more like what you like, that is, that the touch is more comfortable. Really having a look at your clothing and see for real, do I like that? And does it fit me? Yes or no. Really trying to first in your daily life, activate your senses as much as you can. And then,
or not and then it comes at the same time but really reconnect to your body. So figure out what types of touch do I like, what types of rubbing, pressing or just totally the contrary, a light touch and where do I want to be touched? Maybe it's on my face, maybe it's on my neck, maybe it's on my hair or in my belly, on my vulva. It's really this...
allowing to the time to explore how you touch, how you feel with your touch. And one of the exercises that I love is breast massage. I have that in my free ebook, it's called Essence, and there is this breast massage exercise that is so interesting because it helps us start the journey of pleasure reclamation, pleasure reconnection.
Fanny (39:49.395)
without them heavy charged of working with our revolvers, vaginas and things like that. So it's really, it helps you reconnect to your body and this requires commitment and grace, compassion and time because you deserve it.
Michelle Margaret Marques (40:13.21)
that's so beautiful. You had me as soon as you started talking about the chocolate. I personally love to do that, you know, with a piece of dark chocolate with walnuts in it. And I do, I let it all melt in my fingers and I like licking the chocolate off and taking my time with it. My daughter thinks it's disgusting. But of course, she's only 12, right? So she has a very different idea of things like that.
Fanny (40:26.675)
Michelle Margaret Marques (40:42.81)
That's so beautiful when you're talking about the shower and the oil after the shower and things like that. That is just, yeah. We don't think of small things like that as being ways to reclaim pleasure, right? We think of it as just, it's an indulgence, right? Yeah, such a beautiful word. I cannot wait to have a session with you. I tell you, I'm so excited. Maybe I'll do a special podcast about it afterwards.
Fanny (41:08.595)
Michelle Margaret Marques (41:13.338)
I tell you, time, I have to find a way to slow down time because this we've gone over a little bit now.
Fanny (41:21.395)
We can do a part two whenever you want.
Michelle Margaret Marques (41:23.386)
We can do, yes, I like that. Let's do a part two and get more into pleasure. That's, yeah, let's actually do that. Can we do that? Let's do it. I would love that. my gosh, part two coming soon guys. We will get more into pleasure. I'm rather excited about that now. What does that say about me? Anyway, I digress. Fanny, you are very, very kindly.
Fanny (41:31.795)
Michelle Margaret Marques (41:51.034)
offered to give my listeners, my incredible listeners, a free gift. Could you please let them know what that is?
Fanny (41:58.323)
So first there is accessible for everyone, my free ebook, I am really proud of my baby, is called Essence, Awaken Your Senses to Reclaim the Pressure to Feel Alive. So this is for free, you can have it, of course. You can also find my work on my podcast, it's called Your Sexified Life, Keep the Why It's Sexified, because I'm French, I misspelled it, I liked it and I kept it. And also for the first 10 person,
coming from the Bloody Hell, sorry, Bloody Hell Chelle podcast. I am offering a complimentary session, so there is the connection call of 30 minutes where we discuss what you want to do and how I can help you, and then you have the first free session, the full hour of coaching session for free with me, and I am excited to see what we'll discover.
Michelle Margaret Marques (42:52.346)
thank you so much. my gosh. Guys, this is you see these incredible guests that I have on this podcast that bring you all these amazing things. So please make sure you go and check the show notes. I say it to you every single time. Please also listen to the entire episode and make sure you listen out for part two, because I'm definitely I'm very looking forward to that.
Fanny, thank you so much for joining me today. I could talk to you forever. But of course, my guests, my listeners are always used to me saying that. If only I could just make time continue or go back or do something to it, I don't know. Fanny, thank you so much for joining me today. Listeners.
Thank you so much for listening to me and you will hear me on the next podcast. Thank you so much.