Bloody Hell Chelle

Trusting the Unfolding: A Journey of Self-Discovery with Casa Galactica's Co-Founder

Michelle Margaret Marques Season 1 Episode 7

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Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill, co-founder of Casa Galactica, shares her journey of self-discovery and finding her true path in life. She discusses the pivotal moments that shaped her, including a decision she made at the age of 12 to be a better person and a dark period in her life when she lost everything. Jamie emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself, trusting the unfolding of life, and finding support in challenging times. She also offers gifts to listeners, including discounts on intuitive readings and mentorship courses.


Stay true to yourself and trust the unfolding of life.
Challenges and difficult moments can be opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
Finding support and community can be instrumental in navigating challenging times.
Take a pause and allow yourself to feel and sense your purpose and calling.
Acceptance and alignment with where you are in life can bring peace and clarity.


00:00 Introduction and Overview
02:56 Following Your True Path
09:02 Challenges and Pivotal Moments
25:04 Finding Support and Community
31:45 Navigating Dark Times
36:41 Rebuilding and Embracing Change

Bonus Offer

 Jamie is offering a $25 discount on her private 60-minute online Intuitive Readings when you use the coupon code, CHELLELOVE (all caps). You may click here to learn more and schedule your 60-minute online Intuitive Reading with Jamie. 

Jamie is also offering a $175 discount on her private online Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course when you use the coupon code, INTUITIVE (all caps). You may click here to learn more and book your online Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course with Jamie. 

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Michelle Margaret Marques (00:00.872)
Well, welcome back to the Bloody Hell Chelle podcast. And I am joined today. I know you know I'm going to say I'm excited. I'm always excited because guess what? I always have incredible guests. I am joined today by the most incredible woman who has a fantastic story. I cannot wait for this interview. Jamie, can you please tell my incredible listeners all about yourself?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (00:09.221)
See you then.

Yeah, definitely. Hi, Michelle. And thank you again for having me on your podcast. You know, we spoke earlier and I'm a huge fan of you and it's an honor to be here today. Thank you so much.

I am J. Mises -Madia Thornhill. I'm co -founder of Casa Galactica, which is a multi -dimensional center for healing and evolution in the Sacred Valley of Peru. I'm co -founder with my husband, Michael. And with our work, we offer intuitive readings, trauma healing, intuitive mentorship, Iowa Oscar retreats and ceremonies, Bufo Alveria ceremonies.

trauma -informed care training and multi -dimensional ethics courses. So thank you for having me today. I'm happy to be here.

Michelle Margaret Marques (01:18.408)
Wow, that's incredible. So you don't do very much at all then, Jamie.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (01:23.133)
Well, you know, have a lot of interests.

Michelle Margaret Marques (01:29.768)
I love that. And you're based in Peru, right?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (01:33.093)
Yes, yeah, physically we're in Peru. We also do a lot of online work.

Michelle Margaret Marques (01:38.76)
Perfect. incredible. Thank you so much for that. Jamie, let me ask you this question. What's the one thing that you know now that actually has informed the way that you've shaped your life that you wish you'd known much, much earlier?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (01:46.469)
What's the one thing that you...

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (01:56.677)
Michelle, great question. The thing that comes up, you know, from a very young age, I'd say in my late teens, early twenties, something in me knew that I had my own path to Blaze or my own trail to Blaze. And I knew that I had a lot to learn, but I also knew that I had a lot to offer and a lot that was being inspired through me that may or may not have anything to do with...

my formal education or my studies or these types of things. And one thing when I look back that I feel like I would tell myself or actually tell anybody at any stage of their life who may be just starting to recognize or stepping onto a truer path, something that may be coming more from within as opposed to something being directed from the outside, is that there are gonna be many things that happen.

that are what you think they're gonna be and there's gonna be so much more that's unfathomable of the results from simply staying true to the self. And quite honestly, it's those things that I was inspired by that I took action on to head in certain directions. Many of those things did or have happened, but there's so many things that I could have never even imagined.

that have happened along the way. And so I want to say having no expectation of the outcome when we follow our true path can be a very beautiful and rewarding thing because things arrive in our experience and in our lifetimes that are beautifully for us that no matter how much we try to manifest or put our mental prowess to work,

You know, there's just a beautiful mystery that's also unfolding that brings things our way that are so beautifully for us, perfectly for us that our imaginations just can't fathom.

Michelle Margaret Marques (04:02.568)
wow, I love that. Thank you for that. my gosh, that makes me want to ask you 10 ,000 other questions.

Of course I won't ask you 10 ,000 questions. What would you say, what was the journey that really was the pivotal thing that changed everything for you? What was that moment that changed everything for you?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (04:18.941)
What was the journey that really was the pivotal thing that changed everything for you? What was that moment that changed everything for you? Ooh, Michelle, these are great questions. It's interesting, if I'm just tuning in intuitively to that when you ask, I would think that it would be something in my adulthood. But quite honestly, it immediately comes up when I was about 12 years old.

in that age of moving from, I want to say moving from about, you know, from being a child into like an early teenager age. That time where you're hitting puberty, that time when maybe your friend groups are kind of starting to get more specific of who people are and how they act and behave and think. And I can remember at that age of 12, having a friend that I was very close to that had been my best friend all through childhood. And,

And we started, I started recognizing that she may, she may, she was changing and maybe hanging out with, I would say people that were a little bit more rough. And I, I recall very distinctly, I still look back on this and I'm very grateful for it. So, so often something in me at that time knew this is a really big deal. I'm at a pivotal point in my life and I've got to decide who I am.

And this is at 12, I'm like, I have to decide, am I gonna do these things? Am I gonna treat people kindly? Am I gonna be mean to people? Am I gonna bully people? Am I gonna help people? What's my path? Who am I? And I can remember going home and telling my mom, I think I'm gonna have to stop being friends with some people because I think I'm different than them. And my mom, I know is like quietly like, my God, thank God.

Michelle Margaret Marques (05:49.96)

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (06:12.261)
You know, I think she was like, okay, yeah, good idea, you know, but I think she was really happy to hear that. But it was a very internal decision I made when I was 12. I was like, I'm gonna be a better person in the world. I'm gonna treat people kindly. I'm gonna be available for everyone. I'm gonna be there to listen. I'm gonna help when I can, that type of thing. And it was just something in me that knew this is a choice. I have to decide this now or it's gonna be problematic.

And so it's funny sometimes I look back and go, I made that decision when I was 12. And that's for me has set the stage for the rest of my life.

Michelle Margaret Marques (06:54.28)
Wow. How did it feel to actually have that level of realisation at that kind of age?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (07:02.789)
honestly, Michelle, I, I felt alone. I laugh about it now. I remember I would mention this to my other friends. I would say, Hey, do you feel like you're having to make a choice? And my other friends would be like, what are, what are you talking about? And so then I spoke to my stepdad at that time, who I saw as a very wise man. I said to him, I said, I said, this age is really difficult. And I said, and it feels like.

people aren't always nice. And I said, and I'm having to choose to be a better person. And I said, does this get better when I'm an adult? Like, is this just teenage angst or does this get better when I'm an adult? And he said, well, do you want real talk? And I said, yeah. And he said, it doesn't necessarily change when you become an adult. And I thought, no. For some reason, I thought I'll have all these people around me when I'm older who will get this.

But he was being very real with me and at the time I took that in. And so I thought at the time, I thought, well, even if no one else gets this, it's valuable to me. And so quite honestly, I felt alone, but I also felt resilient in it. Like, I can do this.

Michelle Margaret Marques (08:22.504)
Yeah, my gosh. I can't imagine actually having those kinds of high level thoughts like that and feelings like that, that young age. I know that when I went through my transition, when I realized I had to decide who I wanted to become, how I wanted to show up in the world, what I wanted to bring to the world, I was certainly a lot older than 12. And I remember at that time,

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (08:31.941)
I know that when I went through my transition, when I realized I had to decide who I wanted to become, how I wanted to show off in the world, what I wanted to bring to the world, I was suddenly a lot older than 12. And I remember at that time, and even sometimes now still, I'm sure you still feel it, I still feel alone. I still feel even then as an adult.

Michelle Margaret Marques (08:51.624)
And even sometimes now still, I'm sure you still feel it. I still feel alone. I felt alone even then as an adult.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (09:01.605)
Definitely. And Michelle, let me also, that was the first time I experienced that. Another big one hit when I was 35 where I realized I've got to stop putting my attention into things that are not of the highest resonance with me. Relationships, jobs, people, problems. I've got to shift my focus and get even more serious about who I am and what I'm doing in the world. So,

Michelle Margaret Marques (09:02.44)
Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (09:28.709)
So yeah, that was the first one at 12. There was another huge one at 35.

Michelle Margaret Marques (09:33.48)
Yeah, yeah. And yeah, I am sure there'll be another huge one still to come, Jamie. Why not? Bring it on. Bring it on. Higher level, please. my gosh. What would you say to anyone out there who maybe hasn't even experienced that yet? They're still going through life and they haven't had that moment about what identity they want to have.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (09:38.789)
Why not? Why not?

to anyone out there who maybe hasn't even experienced that yet.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (10:04.485)
You know, in my work I do as an intuitive medium, when I'm working with clients, looking into them with spirit and bringing through intuitive guidance, I've been doing this work professionally for about, gosh, 12 years now. And what I see quite often, some people in their lifetime are actually not meant to, I might just use the phrase, wake up.

themselves. There's lots of different words and phrases we can use to describe that. And I'll just use to wake up or awaken to the bigger picture of who we are, whatever that means to anyone. Some people are actually, it's clear to me in their lifetime that there's not a big soul intention to wake up. That the soul blueprint is to continue having lots of experiences of what I might call perceived

separation from source, which has a tendency to keep us very interested in and occupied with the physical world. So with our job, with money, with houses, with cars, with clothes, with glasses, whatever it is, which is all fine. It's part of the physical experience and we get to enjoy these things. And some of us in our lifetimes aren't meant to have any other experience than that.

just to experience physically in the human incarnation, the physical world, relationships, things like that. Some of us, however, are meant to in our lifetimes to hit a certain point, whether that's 12 years old or 35 or 62, because it comes on whenever it's supposed to and whatever age it is is perfect. Some of us are meant for a light switch to flip of like,

my gosh, there's something more going on here. And when that's relevant or appropriate, fantastic. So I might say to somebody, if you haven't experienced this yet, one, it's available to everybody. Waking up and seeing a bigger picture is always present. It's always available to anyone. Two, I'd also say, don't worry about it. Like,

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (12:27.749)
the timing will be perfect, whether it's this lifetime or another lifetime or three lifetimes from now, the timing will be perfect. So I guess I would say no matter if someone has woke up to this or hasn't or is not interested in at all, I might just say, everyone's doing great.

Michelle Margaret Marques (12:52.904)
Perfect. That is beautiful. I love that. And that, you know, because there's so many people that do feel pressure, right, to find their purpose, to find who they're meant to be in the world. And I just love the way that you explain that it doesn't always necessarily need to be that way for every single person.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (12:57.901)
It doesn't and and I think sometimes I know for me sometimes that's hard to accept.

in myself and in other people. Sometimes if I feel like I, sometimes my human part is like, we should be faster than this. You know, that high performance aspect. And I know Michelle, you probably know what I'm talking about of like, I should have this figured out by now. This should have been done two days ago. You know, it's like, I expect a lot from myself. So there's some part of me too, that feels like there's been times or moments where I'm like, this isn't, my progress is not happening fast enough.

Michelle Margaret Marques (13:36.264)

Michelle Margaret Marques (13:41.864)

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (13:50.661)
But even as I feel that way, the deeper truest level of me knows that it's happening perfectly. There might also be people that feel like, I'm supposed to awaken, I'm supposed to do these things. People around me seem to be talking about their higher self or their inner truth. And I'm like, I don't even know, that doesn't even sound like a language I understand. I would just say, trust where you are.

and continue to trust what you feel yourself being drawn towards, whether it's uncomfortable or not, just, okay, that's where I'm being drawn towards. And again, just, you know, everyone's in the right place at the right time.

Michelle Margaret Marques (14:30.28)
I love that. I really, really like the way that you explain that because there is there's a lot of people I hear all the time, you know, why aren't I further along? I know I used to be someone who wanted everything yesterday, you know, and would often get frustrated why things weren't progressing faster and why, you know, I hadn't moved or learned this quickly enough. And it's so easy to get frustrated with life, right?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (14:42.821)

Michelle Margaret Marques (15:03.432)
But I often find that when you actually take that frustration, acceptance is a beautiful place to be in, right Jamie? When you take that away. Yeah. What would you say to anyone who may be listening who thinks, okay, great, this acceptance sounds wonderful, but how do I actually really put myself in a place where I accept and I align with where I am right now?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (15:03.877)
But I often find that when you actually take that frustration, acceptance is a beautiful place to be in, right, Jamie? Absolutely. Yeah. What would you say to anyone who maybe listens in who thinks, OK, great, this acceptance sounds wonderful, but how do I actually really put myself in a place where I accept and I align with where I am right now and where I'm...

Michelle Margaret Marques (15:31.816)
and where I'm naturally going.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (15:33.349)
Tough question. You know, we are the hardest person on ourselves. In my own experience and what I see when I do work with my clients and students, we seem to be always our own worst critic. And so that part of us that feels like or perceives ourselves,

Michelle Margaret Marques (15:37.16)
I'm sorry.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (16:03.237)
to never quite be enough. You know, here's the thing, there's, in my observation, there's two aspects to this. When we come into this incarnation and here I am and I'm here as Jamie in this lifetime, that's the name that's been given to me and I've got this brown hair that's short and whatever else is going on with my physical appearance. At the deeper level, I'm a soul spirit in here.

that's having this experience through this incarnation. And that soul, spirit, higher self aspect of me and of you and of anybody else, everyone else, that soul, spirit aspect, the higher self aspect, knows without hesitation, without flinching, without doubt that we're perfect. That even this experience I'm having as Jamie in this lifetime that's full of shenanigans that...

Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don't, sometimes I wish I could have done it better, sometimes I nail it on accident. It's like that higher self aspect of us knows we're getting it all perfect, we're doing great. It's untouched in its perfection. It's the human aspect of us that when we incarnate, there's this sort of, I look like I'm an individuation and we appear to be, I'm gonna say separate from each other.

and I'll just say separate from God. That's not a religious God. That's just all -encompassing, loving, light, intelligence, wisdom, whatever that is. In our fumbling around and our perceiving ourselves as being separate from God, we can't help but have doubts, fears, skepticism, because we're having an experience of perceiving ourselves to be separate from love. And so,

I, you, anyone that's listening, it would be normal or natural to have an experience of feeling like we're not enough, feeling like we're unworthy, feeling like we're not doing it fast enough, feeling fear, feeling frustration, feeling all these things. It's fine and it's part of the human experience. And then I would say also know that, also know that...

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (18:22.469)
At the deeper level, there's an aspect of us that's always already present that's kind of like high -fiviness, like you're doing it great. You're making all the beautiful, perfect mistakes that your soul wants for catalysts to learn very specific lessons. And so even that relationship that was horrible for seven years that ended in flames is perfect for your soul's living or your soul's lessons. And so it's like,

All these things, the accumulation of all the experiences we've had, sure enough, have been perfect, even when at times we felt very ungraceful, like the rug got pulled out from under us, like, my gosh, we did something wrong, like we didn't do it well enough. We can also simultaneously at the same time know there's that truer version of us that knows that we did it perfect and that we're always loved, regardless of what happens, no matter what happens, we're...

always loved and that's always our, I'm going to say, inherent birthright.

Michelle Margaret Marques (19:26.76)
Yes, my gosh, you put it so elegantly and you explain it so well. I always say that life happens for us, not to us. You know, I like to come from that perspective. Also, I truly honestly believe, just like you have explained, everything in our lifetime happens exactly for the person that we are meant to become.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (19:29.061)
I love that.

Michelle Margaret Marques (19:55.752)
Yeah, yeah. And I know myself, I know there may be some people listening thinking, well, that's all right for you to say, Shale. But you know, I've come through some pretty traumatic and pretty major life, you know, tragedies in my life, some major uphill struggles, let's just say it that way. You know, from...

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (19:58.853)
I know there may be some people listening thinking, well, that's not right for you to say, Shel.

Michelle Margaret Marques (20:21.288)
almost dying to financial issues, businesses failing, that kind of thing. I've come through a lot of things, abusive relationships. So I think I'm pretty well educated enough in the challenges of life to be able to see that I firmly, definitely stand in the truth for me anyway, that life happens for us. And I could have very easily become a very bitter.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (20:35.493)
educated enough in the challenges of life to say that in family definitely stands in the truth for me anyway that life happens for us.

Definitely and Michelle, thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Yeah, I think a lot of us.

Michelle Margaret Marques (20:51.048)
very, you know, downtrodden depressed person. So I say this from a point of love, it's not an easy track to go through, right, Jamie? But it is possible for us to get to the other side of any of these challenges, right?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (21:16.485)
face a lot of challenges. And I do feel like that's part of the human incarnation. It would be nice if, no, we just came in to experience rainbows and I love rainbows and love when it happens. And yes, many of us, if not all of us face our challenges, traumas, loss, so many things, so many things happen.

that create an experience of, I'm gonna say separation, loneliness, fear, terror, depression, these types of things. And I know, and I think I hear you saying that too for yourself, Michelle, when any one of us is able to go through something really difficult or challenging, I call it a dark night of the soul or a dark valley.

when any one of us is able to, when we find ourselves in that dark valley and it's like, okay, here I am. Here I am and really at this moment in time, there's nowhere else to be or go. So how do I work with or how do I navigate this dark valley, whatever challenge is happening?

And then we stay present with ourselves through whatever that is, financial loss, loss of a loved one, loss of a relationship, loss of personal identity, the personal identity shambling or crumbling to pieces, whatever those things are, traumatic experience. When we find ourselves in that and we realize, okay, all there is to do is to stay present with myself and take the next right step through this.

And then lo and behold, we get 10 steps, 20 steps, 100 steps behind us. We're then able to have that view back or have that retrospect or and have that experience in our pocket or under our belt of like, you know, I can be with myself and through hard things and I can navigate hard things. And not only that, but I can come through on the other side.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (23:36.901)
with all the gifts I've gained from it. And then not just that, that opportunity, and Michelle, I know you do this in your work, to then share that with other people and bless other people with that knowledge, wisdom, experience, and even just being a demonstration to anyone of like, yeah, I experienced that and I made it through it. And today here's what the lessons learned are and here's what I know about myself now. And it's like, my gosh, someone else.

Like Michelle, I'm feeling the inspiration from you and what you said. I can look over at you and be like, whoo, Michelle went through that too. She had a tough financial time. She had a really difficult relationship that wasn't great for her. She got through it too. And look at her today and all the things that she's learned and the inspiration she is to herself and other people. And then I grow and my light expands because of that too. So definitely those things, those tough things we've been through.

just in that being not only gifts and blessings for ourselves, but for other people.

Michelle Margaret Marques (24:36.712)
Yeah, that's my exact feelings and approach to life. You know, the difficult things that I've been through fuel me to share those experiences so that someone else can navigate it a slightly little bit easier than I did, hopefully, right? And again, the whole purpose for having these fantastic conversations, because there are so many people who have had...

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (24:51.237)
Definitely, I agree.

Michelle Margaret Marques (25:04.2)
if not the same or similar, but challenges that we can at least take insights and lessons from ourselves from, right? And that's why I love having these conversations.

Michelle Margaret Marques (25:19.368)
Yeah, yeah. Jamie, what would you say to anyone right now who's listening to this and they've gotten inspired and they think, right, OK, I'm going to go after life now. I'm going to step out and take control of my own journey. What piece of advice would you really give to them to get them on their way?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (25:23.169)
I would say in this moment, I would say first just take a moment to pause.

Like, because that alone, just that feeling, that inspiration of, okay, it feels authentic for me to start living my truest life, my most authentic life, whatever that language is that anyone uses, just knowing anybody who's even just had that spark of inspiration, that spark.

that inner spark that goes, it's time for me to be more authentic. It's time for me to follow my path. It's time for me to live in my truth. Normally when that spark hits, we don't even know what that means. It's just a feeling from inside that's like an urgency or something pressing or an excitement. And so the fact that that inspiration has happened, one, I just would say,

Okay, that's huge. Like, congratulations if that inspiration has dawned on somebody. Congratulations because there is a whole portion of your life or anyone's life that went on without that inspiration and now all of a sudden it's here. So know that the fact that it's already here and been inspired means that it's already setting in. Without you needing to think or do or figure it out or steer it, it's already setting in.

and being infused into the life experience. So it's already happening. The second thing I would say then is take a pause and know that whatever that is that each one of us is here and my language for this would be kind of soul purposed or what our soul calling is. What we are here as a human, as a soul and a human body, like what am I doing here? How am I gonna be of service to other people?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (27:42.693)
whatever that thing is, know that it's already with every single one of us. And again, you don't have to be conscious of it. You can be like, I hear someone out there right now going, arguing with me going, no, Jamie, I don't need, I have no clue. You know, and I'm like, no, I hear you. I know, I know. It can feel like we have no clue, but know that nonetheless,

It's still with us. It's still in our energetic. It's still in our field. It's still in our blueprint. It's still with us at the highest essence of the level of spirit and that it will have its own timing and unfolding. And if we pause, we give ourselves a moment just to allow it to be there without having to figure out what it is, without having to force it, without having to use our mind and decide something. So just taking a pause of like,

Just breathing into, okay, my purpose, my calling, my soul's desire, my biggest joy, excitement, my truth, it's already here. I know that because I've already been inspired that it is. And I'm just gonna let it continue to unfold and breathe into it. Sometimes when we do that and just pause, we give ourselves an opportunity to just allow it or to feel it or sense it.

or know it in a way that we haven't before? Or to start hearing the whisper of it? And so that's what I would say in answer to that question is one, know it's already there. Two, take a pause just to allow it to exist and possibly feel it or sense it or become aware of it.

Michelle Margaret Marques (29:20.456)
Mmm, I love that. my gosh. Guys, please, I hope you're taking notes while you're listening to this. I know that most people listen to podcasts while they're walking, while they're doing other things, but I would definitely be taking some notes just right there. my goodness. I have my mind is just full of all these different things that I want to ask or see. I will keep myself focused.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (29:24.549)
Guys, please, I hope you're taking notes while you're listening to this. I know that most people listen to podcasts while they're walking, while they're doing other things, but I would definitely be taking some notes just right there. my goodness. My mind is just full of all these different things that I want to ask or say. I will keep myself focused.

Michelle Margaret Marques (29:49.928)
Jamie, let me ask you this question. What was the Bloody Hell Chelle, jaw dropping moment that challenged everything that you've ever thought about business or life, but really ultimately has brought you to onto the path that you're on now?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (29:50.437)
Jamie, let me ask you this question. What was the bloody hell shell, jaw dropping moment that challenged everything that you've ever thought about personal life, or really ultimately has brought you onto the path that you're on now? Michelle, whoo girl. All right, let's see. I feel like there's been a number of them. The honest answer that we don't have time for is I literally feel like I've lived about,

five lifetimes in this lifetime. So there's probably been about four times that's happened. The one that comes up right now, let me just fill into how to share about it one moment.

Michelle Margaret Marques (30:36.136)
And you can share all five. We have time for that.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (30:37.189)
Cheryl, fine.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (30:44.229)
The one that comes to the forefront to share today is in 2010, I had been in a 15 year long relationship. I had been working in my beloved profession that I was very into at that time. I had, I believed I had built a life that made me happy. And then,

The relationship ended. The job went away. And I was left literally with what in at that point in my life, I was 35. I was left with what I would say I believed was nothing. And what that means is looking back, my identity was very much in that relationship. My identity was very much in my profession. And so when that all went away, I didn't know who I was.

and I recognized, I had a, I would say, fall to my knees moment of where everything that I thought I was identified with was just gone. And I recognized, I don't know who I am right now. And something about that felt very sad and very scary. But something in me knew that to not try to escape it,

Something in me was like, just stay here. Just feel everything there is to feel in this. And it was very scary. And part of me wanted to run and resist it and hide from it and go just try to like, I'll just make another relationship work. I'll just find another job. But something deeper was like, just deal with it and see what's there.

So at that moment in time, I felt like I had nothing. And I was living in Minneapolis at that point. And I was like, okay, I'm gonna go back and move back to Oklahoma where I grew up. And I'm gonna move in with my brother, God love him. Anytime I'm like, hey brother, I need help. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you, come live with me. So I went and I moved in with my brother. I didn't know what to do. My grandpa...

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (33:04.229)
was very sweet. He was like, you know, my grandmother who was having dementia, he was like, why don't you come and help with your grandmother until you get figured out your life? So I had family members that just stepped in just so beautifully that I'm so grateful for. So I was living with my brother. I was helping my grandmother who had dementia, helping my grandpa. About six months of this time, I really...

I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't know who I was, and I didn't feel anything else opening up for me. Something in me also recognized what's the common denominator in all of the sort of problems that I have, and something in me knew it was me. I was done, at 35, I was done pointing the finger at other people. So something in me knew I can't keep blaming everyone else for my bad experience.

I've got to look at myself, but I don't know how to do that because I don't have those tools or skills yet. I was very fortunate that I had two or three people over a one -week period tell me at that time, you know, you kind of sound codependent. You might want to try the 12 -step recovery program, Al -Anon. I didn't know what that was. I didn't know what codependency was. I just heard it three times and I said, I trust it. I trust it. So I went.

and I started going to meetings. In that period, in that six months, I just, part of that work is I started praying. I didn't know what I was praying to. I wasn't a religious person. I didn't have what I understood to be a direct connection with God. But again, last resort, I was on my knees. I had nothing. I was like, screw it, I'll pray. I started praying. I was faking it.

faking praying. I didn't know if anyone even heard me, but I was doing it daily. At that time, when I started doing that, I started feeling better. And then at that time, I started recognizing when I was inward in my own world, doing a contemplation, a meditation or a prayer, that I was actually attentive to getting or receiving guidance or information back or help or even just comfort.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (35:17.733)
And so then I started really nourishing myself with that praying. Through that process, I realized that I'm not alone. Even if I am on the physical plane, even if I don't have the relationship, I don't have the job, I don't have the professional identity anymore. Inwardly, I feel like I'm loved and supported and connected with something, even if I don't know what it is. And so it was at that point,

point in my life that I also started recognizing or affirming myself, my own connection with Spirit, with God, with my higher self, with that loving intelligence. And not only did that end up being very supportive of me and in alignment with the 12 -step recovery group, I started gaining mutual support from other humans who were also striving to transform and heal. So I basically

was able to lift out of that identification with that old stuff and start strengthening an inner knowing of my inside truth. And then also having a more authentic support system of humans around me on the outside that ended up providing me the fertile ground to start my own business, which ended up being about a year later. So it was a huge.

That time in my life was a huge crumbling and a rebuilding from the inside out.

Michelle Margaret Marques (36:47.848)
Wow, my gosh, thank you for explaining that so lovely. So like in such detail, because I know that there is a lot of people that go through those situations and they don't always have that resource to look at, right? And listen to your story and be like, okay, if I just focus on one step at a time, if I just focus on...

dealing with one thing at a time, if I just focus on moving forward, then it really doesn't matter how long it takes me to get through that, but I can get through it, right? That's what I'm hearing from you.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (37:15.525)
dealing with one thing at a time. If I just focus on moving forward, then it really doesn't matter how long it takes me to get through that, but I can get through it, right? That's why I'm here. Absolutely. And I know you're speaking from your own experience too of like, we do, we get through it and sometimes we can't see too far ahead and it's just, what's the next right thing to do tomorrow? Okay, it's this.

And then slowly, slowly, we start seeing a bigger picture of, okay, this is where all this is headed. But yeah, you're right, it's just staying present with the self through it, trusting on some level. And you guys, here's the thing too, trust and faith is the reason that's so hard. Trust and faith is because it's something you do without physical, tangible proof. We do it out of a sense of an inner knowing trust or hope that,

Michelle Margaret Marques (37:44.36)

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (38:09.157)
there's going to be a result or a benefit from this. Just know that there always is, but we may not be able to see it at this point in time.

Michelle Margaret Marques (38:17.8)
I love that. my gosh, Jamie, I could talk to you forever. Absolutely forever. But unfortunately, time is one thing that doesn't stop and doesn't slow down for anyone. No matter how much we would like it to. Jamie, I ask every single one of my guests on this podcast if they are willing to give.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (38:22.565)
I'm sorry.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (38:39.301)
Yeah, absolutely Michelle for anybody listening I am providing a gift of $25 off an Online 60 -minute intuitive reading with me when you use the coupon code shell love

Michelle Margaret Marques (38:43.016)
free gift or something to my listeners and I know that you have very kindly said you will. Can you please explain what that is?

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (39:07.013)
And also I'm providing a gift of $125 off when you sign up for the intuitive mentorship 101 course with me using the coupon code intuitive. And then finally I have on our website, which is casa galactica .com. When you subscribe to our e -newsletter, you'll receive 20 % off of a 60 minute online healing evolution session with.

my husband Michael, which is a trauma healing session, which is a multi -dimensionally somatic session. So those are the three gifts that I would love to provide your audience and listeners with and out of also again, gratitude for being invited to speak with you today on your podcast. Thanks so much, Michelle.

Michelle Margaret Marques (39:44.264)

Michelle Margaret Marques (39:57.096)
Jamie, thank you so much for your kindness. Guys, make sure that you go to the show notes of the podcast so that you can get the details for that. It is well worth it. You will not regret it. She is incredible. I can guarantee you of that. Jamie, thank you so much for joining me today. I honestly, I need to record another podcast with you. That's for sure. listeners.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (40:05.093)
you can get the details for that. It is well worth it. You will not regret it. She is incredible. I can guarantee you of that. Jamie, thank you so much for joining me today. I honestly, I need to record another podcast with you.

Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill - Casa Galactica (40:24.965)
Thank you so much for joining me on the Bloody Hell Show podcast. Again, please make sure you go to the shown up notes and I will join, well you will join me on the next one. Thank you so much.

Michelle Margaret Marques (40:25.288)
Thank you so much for joining me on the Bloody Hell Shell podcast. Again, please make sure you go to the show notes and I will join, well, you will join me on the next one. Thank you so much.

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